• Imparte:
  • Modalidad:
    Presencial en Madrid
  • Precio:
    25.000 + 6.000 (academics stays)
  • Comienzo:
    Desde el 23/09/2024 hasta el 19/12/2025
  • Lugar:
    c/ Alfonso XI, nº 6
    Madrid 28014
  • Horario:
    Monday to Thursday, 9.00-14.00
  • Duración:
    600 Horas
  • Titulación:
    The qualification obtained at the end of the programme is the Master in International Finance Degree. It is issued by the Academic Board of the IEB, sponsored by the Bolsa de Madrid (Madrid Stock Exchange). A diploma will also be issued by IEB´s Partners for each academic stay. The IEB, in collaboration with CFA Spain, includes within this Master CFA Level I preparation course. The qualification obtained at the end of the programme is the Master in International Finance Degree. It is issued by the Academic Board of the IEB, sponsored by the Bolsa de Madrid (Madrid Stock Exchange). A diploma will also be issued by IEB´s Partners for each academic stay. The IEB, in collaboration with CFA Spain, includes within this Master CFA Level I preparation course.

The globalization set in motion during the last century is consolidating in this 21st century. Social affairs, the world of culture, politics and the economy are breaking national boundaries and jumping vertiginously from one continent to another. The world of finance is not exempt from the globalization we are experiencing; indeed, financial markets are probably one of the catalysts of this movement and those who work in or with them can vouch for the international and global nature of their work environment.

Any professional looking for achievement and great success in the financial world should, therefore, not only have technical skills, but also a set of skills that can be applied internationally.

The IEB, as leader in financial education in Spain and the Ibero-American region, offers this Master in International Finance to those individuals aiming to become international financial leaders in their respective fields.

The Programme has been ranked #1 for the last five years in the El Mundo Annual Ranking.

The master’s degree has been accredited by the CNMV to advise, as established in MiFID II.

The programme includes three Academic Stays abroad and offers, at no additional cost, the possibility of completing the CFA Level I preparation course.

The Master is aimed at undergraduate students from all fields of study with a good level of English, as well as professionals with no more than four years working experience in finance or looking to change from their current field of work to the world of finance.

To give students a broad and professional knowledge of all areas of finance from top business schools.
To offer through examples of how to apply the theoretical concepts to the day-to-day financial world, and through exercises, case studies, and real-time trading on an online portfolio simulation platform, a practical and up-to-date point of view for the topics covered in the course.
To prepare students to the working environment through the use of Bloomberg as a primary teaching tool and numerous presentations throughout the degree.
To encourage personal development and teamwork through in class team case studies and presentations.
To offer a challenging and rewarding training programme for current and future international finance professionals

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